Frequently Asked Questions
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46 FAQs matched your search criteria.
- H1.01.Who can do Erasmus studies?
- H1.02. Who can do Erasmus internship?
- H1.03. How long does the mobility under the Erasmus+ Program last?
- H1.04. Can one do a combined mobility of studies and internship?
- H1.05. Can you go mobile more than once?
- H1.06. Is it necessary to pay tuition fees at the host institution?
- H1.07. When, how and where to apply for mobility?
- H1.08. What documents are required in the mobility application?
- H1.09. What are the countries where you can do Erasmus mobility?
- H1.10. Which Higher Education Institutions where you can do mobility - Erasmus studies?
- H1.11. How many places are there per institution?
- H1.12. Who is responsible for choosing the institution where you will do mobility - Erasmus internship?
- H1.13. What are the partner institutions where you can do mobility - Erasmus internship?
- H1.14. What are the selection criteria?
- H1.15. When are the application results available?
- H1.16. After the approval of the mobility application, what are the procedures to be followed?
- H1.17. After contacting the host institution, what should be done?
- H1.18. How to elaborate the Study Plan/Learning Agreement Internship Proposal/Training Agreement at SIIUE?
- H1.19. Which UC's can the student obtain equivalence?
- H1.20. What are the UC's of the host institution?
- H1.21. After being accepted to do an internship what documentation is required?
- H1.22. Before going mobile, what should I do?
- H1.23. How to apply for a scholarship?
- H1.24. How much is the ERASMUS grant?
- H1.25. How is the allocation of the scholarship made?
- H1.26. How is the scholarship amount paid and when do I receive it?
- H1.27. Is it possible to return early from the mobility period and keep the grant?
- H1.28. How many ECTS do I have to be registered in the host institution to be able to perform the mobility?
- H1.29. Can the Study Plan/Learning Agreement include UC's without equivalence to CU's of the study plan of the course I am enrolled in?
- H1.30. What is the diploma supplement?
- H1.31. What if some UC does not open or has overlapping schedules?
- H1.32. What is the deadline for changing the syllabus/Learning Agreement?
- H1.33. I applied for the 1st semester and if I want to stay for the 2nd - extension of the mobility period?
- H1.34. I applied for the academic year, but I changed my mind and I want to do the mobility only in the 1st semester, can I?
- H1.35. Can I make two applications? One semester at one institution and the other semester at another?
- H1.36. How do I take care of the housing?
- H1.38. Is the Erasmus grant compatible with other grants/funding?
- H1.39. Can I give up mobility? Until when?
- H1.40. How do registrations work in the mobility-out period?
- H1.41. Can I take UC's in Évora, by exam, in the semester of mobility?
- H1.42. As a mobility student, can I be evaluated in the special and the extraordinary evaluation periods?
- H1.43. After the mobility period ends, what are the procedures to end it?
- H1.44. How to obtain academic recognition? How are the grades obtained at the foreign university posted?
- H1.45. Can I take in the 2nd semester a UC that I failed in the 1st semester?
- H1.46. How to deliver the Certificate of Attendance - Arrival / departure certificate?
- H1.47 RESULTADOS CANDIDATURAS A MOBILIDADE OUT 2ª fase (semestre par 2022/23)