The accreditation process is supported by the Regulation on the Accreditation of Training and Professional Experience (Order no. 90/2019 of July 4).
Frequently Asked Questions
- G1.01. How to apply for equivalence credit?
- G1.02. When can apply for equivalence credit?
- G1.03. In the case of re-entry, or entry into a cycle of studies in which a UC from the study plan was previously completed, as extracurricular or as isolated UC, is it necessary to request crediting?
- G1.04. If the program is restructured, and the student is subject to curricular change, is it necessary to ask for crediting?
- G1.05. Is it necessary to register in the UC where you obtained credit?
- G1.06. How can I change my registration after obtaining credit?
- G1.07. Request for credit during the application process