H1.39. Can I give up mobility? Until when?
Last Updated a year ago

Students can withdraw from the mobility period until June 30 for the first semester and academic year of the mobility and until November 15 for the second semester of the academic year of the mobility, through an application via Gesdoc, stating the reasons for this decision. No sanctions will be applied to these students as a result of the withdrawal. In case the outgoing student has already been accepted at the host institution, it is his/her obligation to inform the institution of the withdrawal.

If the withdrawal occurs after the date mentioned in the previous number, except for health reasons or reasons of force majeure, duly justified and subject to the analysis and opinion of the Institutional Coordinator, the student will be prevented from applying for mobility in the following academic year.

If the student withdraws after the start of the mobility period, the rules of each program will be applied, with the respective underlying sanctions, present in the mobility contract.

image If you have not been clarified, send an email to: mobility@uevora.pt

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