B6.03. How do I register for the knowledge and skills assessment tests?
Last Updated about a month ago

Registration for the exams must be done online in the Integrated Information System of the University of Évora (SIIUE), by filling in the appropriate form.

Step 1: Register here - when accessing the SIIUE to register for the exams, the candidate must register externally (name, email address, ID number and a password of their choice). After registering, you will receive a notification at the email address you have provided for authentication and validation of your SIIUE user registration credentials (email address and password).

Step 2: Access the SIIUE to register for the competition, using the external registration credentials obtained in step 1 and attach documents:

  • proof of qualifications (if you have registered that you have completed a vocational course, you must attach your secondary school certificate or equivalent; if you are still in your final year, you must attach proof of attendance)
  • identification document (or alternatively present it in person at the UÉ Academic Services within 3 days of submitting your application)
  • Document proving, if you are a national of a country outside the European Union, the exception to international student status under article 3 of Decree-Law 62/2018)
Once the external registration has been validated, the applicant will be able to access the EUIS with these credentials, in order to do the following:

a) Register;

b) View information on the registration fee to be paid (25 euros) and the procedure for making the payment (the registration request will only be considered once the fee has been paid);

c) Consult all notifications received under the terms established in these Regulations (if the application is not correctly instructed, you will be notified to regularize the situation in SIIUE within 24 hours of notification and if it is correctly instructed, you will be notified of the validation of the application).

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