B14.01. How to pay the application fee?
Last Updated 2 months ago

Upon completing your application to the University of Évora, you will have immediate access to payment information.

To later consult this data, follow these steps:

1. Access SIIUE with the authentication data you used for the application.
2. In the main menu, enter Applications, and then the respective application type:


You will then have access to a summary of the application information, and on that page, right at the start, you will see that the Application is in the "Payment Pending" status. In this window, click on "Payment details".

And so you can consult the reference for payment via Multibanco network, or through Paypal:


: Payment via PayPal is immediately registered in SIIUE. On the other hand, payments via MB reference are only available within 1 business day after payment. Only after the payment is registered, the application will be validated by the Academic Services.

In the case of foreign students, where payment through the aforementioned means is not possible, they may request the Treasury, via e-mail (tesouraria@sac.uevora.pt), for the data to make the transfer, however, the payment being made considered effective only when proof of transfer is sent to the Treasury e-mail.

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