M3.4 Issuing staves with last evaluation date outside the evaluation period
Last Updated 5 years ago

According to art. 107 of RAUÉ "the evaluation dates should respect the school calendar", and in this sense, the Release of Grades through the SIIUE, validates if the date of the last evaluation is within the evaluation period defined in the School Calendar for the academic year/semester/season in question.

There are exceptions to this rule, however, if you need to issue a staff whose last evaluation date is outside the period stipulated in the school calendar, the teacher should contact the School (which oversees the course unit in question) and ask for permission to record a last evaluation date outside the period initially defined.

To register this authorization, the School should access the School Information System (SIIUE), and through the option Academic Management " Curricular Units ", associated to the curricular unit in question, register the permission for the last assessment date of any staff posted for that curricular unit (in this academic year), to be outside the assessment period initially set in the School Calendar.

After the School authorizes this procedure, the teacher can proceed with the issue of the staff in question.

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