L1.06. To recognize the diploma is it necessary to translate the documents?
Last Updated 20 days ago

According to current legislation, if your documents are in a foreign language other than Spanish, French and English, translation is required.

In accordance with current Portuguese legislation, the following entities may perform and certify translations:
  • Notaries;
  • Portuguese consulate in the country where the document was issued;
  • Consulate in Portugal of the country where the document was issued and certified translator;
  • Conservatories;
  • Registration officers;
  • Lawyers and Solicitors;
  • Chambers of Commerce and Industry recognized pursuant to Decree-Law No. 244/92 of 29 October.
What must be certified is the content of the translation and not the signatures of the interveners in it.

According to Article 68 of the Notary Code, the person to whom the document respects, the spouse, relatives and the like, in the straight line or in the second degree of the collateral line, cannot intervene as a translator, both of the notary who intervenes in the instrument and any of the grantors, representatives or represented.

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