H2.01. How to apply for mobility at the University of Évora? (Via Erasmus +, Protocol or other mobility program)
Last Updated about a month ago

To start the process you should contact the Mobility / International Relations Office of your home institution to have your appointment sent to the University of Évora Mobility Support Office (GAM) by email to (mobility@uevora.pt/ mobility@sac.uevora.pt). Upon receipt of the appointment, GAM will send you via email the instructions for registration in the University of Évora Integrated Information System (SIIUE), where the entire process of registering your mobility will take place.
For help with this process you should refer to the SIIUE Quick Guide G062 | Create an Incoming Mobility Application (Students or Staffs)

image If you have not been clarified, send an email to: mobility@uevora.pt

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