D3.01. In which UC can you register?
Last Updated 2 years ago

When enrolling in a course, registration in compulsory curricular units are automatic and you can only enroll up to a maximum of 60 ECTS (unless you enroll in extracurricular UCs or have obtained credits, in which case you can enroll up to maximum to 36 ECTS per semester). If the course syllabus includes alternative optional and/or mandatory curricular units, you must register with SIIUE.

You can register in the UCs included in the study plan of your study program and your specialization/ branch/variant, if applicable. In the case of optional UCs, they are only available for registration if they have a teacher assigned.

You can consult the study plan in your profile on SIIUE, and the corresponding observations, to obtain information on the number of compulsory and optional UCs and ECTS that you must attend in each semester/year to obtain your academic degree.

Registration in a particular curricular unit of a given year of the study plan of your study program, is only possible if you have approved, got crediting or you are registered in all the curricular units of the previous curricular year(s). For example, you can only register in curricular units of the 2nd year of your study plan if you have successfully completed or are registered in all curricular units of the 1st year of the study plan.

Students of the 2nd cycle, Integrated Master or 3rd cycle, who have already completed the curricular component of their programs, but are still working on the dissertation, project work, internship report or thesis, must necessarly register, in each academic year in the corresponding curricular unit.

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