B11.05. How to proceed to change the course or Institution within the PhD’s framework (3rd cycle)?
Last Updated 2 months ago

In the 3rd cycle context there is no regulatory framework for changing between courses, either from other Higher Education Institutions or from University of Évora.

Even if enrolled or previously have been enrolled in another doctoral's course at the University of Évora, if you want to change, you should apply for admission to that course and request, after enrolment, the training crediting already acquired in the Higher Education Institution where you have attended before.

If enrolled or have been enrolled in a master degree course at University of Évora, you can only request a change to other specialization areas of the same course or other learning regime, i.e. from face-to-face to e-learning regime or vice-versa, if that is foreseen in the education offer.

The application for admission to a new course must be made within the deadlines for applications to access to Master’s course defined in the University of Évora’s Application Schedule.

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