B12.01. What are the conditions and how to apply for enrolment in isolated courses as an external student?
Last Updated 2 months ago

Any citizen enrolled in Isolated Curricular Units offered annually for that purpose by the University of Évora is considered an external student.

The Statute of Student enrolled in Isolated Curricular Units is regulated by the Academic Regulation of the University of Évora (the information provided in this site does not dispense with consulting the Regulation).

The application for enrolment in isolated courses can only be done online, through SIIUE (http://siiue.uevora.pt). Consult the SIIUE Quick Guide G024 | Applications to Isolated Curricular Units to obtain support on this procedure (In case there is an enrollment limit in the UC the allocation of vacancies will be made in order of submission of the application in SIIUE, duly instructed with the documents proving the conditions for enrollment - document proving the date of birth + secondary education certificate/ 12th grade frequency in the case of 1st cycle UC's OR Degree Certificate)

Note that in order to apply to the Isolated UC’s, you must previously make a "New external registration" (in which you will create a username and password to be able to authenticate on SIIUE and make the application). See the New User Registration Guide for help on this procedure.

Under the terms of Decree Law no. 65/2018, of August 16:

the isolated uc's or the extra-curricular ones of the same cycle of studies, can only be credited up to a maximum limit of 50% of the total number of ECTS of the degree or of the number of ECTS of the curricular component of the master's or doctoral degree.

Each student may register for a maximum of 60 credits accumulated in isolated or extra-curricular ECTS from the same study cycle throughout his/her academic career.

Conditions for Enrollment

Enrollment in isolated UC's is allowed exclusively to interested parties who are not students of the UÉ, and under the following conditions:
a) 1st cycle UC or MI, provided they are at least 17 years old at the date of the enrollment request and have completed or are enrolled in the last year of secondary education;
b) Post-graduate course, 2nd or 3rd cycle, provided they have completed a cycle of studies leading to a degree.

The frequency of isolated UC, even with success, does not entitle the holder to the recognition of part or all of the courses in which they are integrated, nor does it confer the right of entry into the cycle of studies in which the CU were performed.

Application deadlines:

Refer to the Calendar of Academic Procedures that defines the deadlines for enrollment in isolated UC's.

You can consult here (https://www.uevora.pt/en/study/courses/Standalone-Curricular-Units) the UC's available at the University of Évora for external students.

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