B15.01. Where can I find exam results?
Last Updated 3 years ago

The results of the following tests for access to entrance examinations to the University of Évora, can be consulted in the University of Évora's Portal:

Vocational Aptitude Tests - condition for access to competitions for entry to the Music degree, being necessary for candidates with approval in the test, through the credentials used for registration in the Test, to access the application to the competition for entry and submit the same

Specific Examinations and Assessment Tests for People Older than 23 for access to the Special Competition for People Older than 23 - those who pass the M23 assessment test will automatically be considered candidates for the Special Competition M23

Entrance examinations for holders of vocational courses - an entrance requirement to the DGES special competition for those who have completed secondary education in vocational courses or in specialized artistic courses (they must request a certificate of approval in the examinations in order to apply to the DGES)

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