I1.01. Is registration required to be able to deliver the project?
Last Updated 5 years ago

In the 3rd cycle, Integrated Master (IM) or 2nd cycle programs, in the academic year in which the student intends to submit his/her project and start the preparation of the Thesis or Dissertation or Project Work or Internship Report, the student has to register in the UC Thesis or in the UC D/TP/RE, and cannot submit the project if not registered in this UC. Registration in this UC must be done annually, during the registration period (view Academic Procedures Calendar) , while you are preparing the Thesis or Dissertation or Project Work or Internship.

Some 3rd cycle courses include a study plan with a curricular component and/or a tutorial plan. The tutorial plan may include only the elaboration of an original Thesis, but it may also integrate a set of UC directed to training for research, and it is necessary to register both in UC Thesis and in those UC. In the case of doctorates with a PhD curricular component, the student must register in the UC according to the study plan, which can be consulted in SIIUE.

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