D3.05. What do I have to do, if I want to do an internship or field work or an extracurricular internship or summer internship?
Last Updated 2 years ago

Curricular Internship is carried out within the scope of a curricular unit that belongs to the study plan of the program in which the student is enrolled, has a duration between 2 and 12 months. The student’s diploma supplement will include information on the subject, duration and the host entity of the internship.

Extracurricular Internship is not foreseen in the study plan of the study plan in which the student is enrolled, has a duration between 2 and 12 months, and may take place at any time as long as it does not interfere with the learning activities. It is included in the student's diploma supplement.

Summer internship is not foreseen in the study plan in which the student is enrolled, has a duration between 1 and 3 months, taking place in the period of interruption of the academic activities between two academic years. It is included in the student's diploma supplement.

For any of the above types of internship, you must complete and submit the SIIUE internship proposal form (in the student profile in Internship » Application » Options » New Application).

When you submit your request within 15 days before the beginning of the internship, it will be reviewed by the Study Program Director and if the proposal gets a positive review, it will be sent to DIC2E, at the Rectory Services, for approval.

After approval of the application, you can consult, in your SIIUE profile, the Internship Agreement and the Declaration of Insurance.

Students will be able to propose to DIC3E an internship, as a result of their individual contacts with companies or other entities in various contexts. For any clarification you should contact the Cabinet for Innovation, Transfer, Entrepreneurship and Cooperation SupportTransfer, Entrepreneurship and Cooperation by email: dic2e@reitoria.uevora.pt .

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