M1.07. When is it necessary to allocate the global value of ECTS?
Last Updated 3 years ago

In the past it was possible to grant crediting in ECTS global value, i.e. it assigns a certain number of ECTS but without mentioning the course units in which the student should use that crediting. Currently this is still possible, but it is then necessary to register which course units of the study plan those ECTS should be assigned.

According to guidelines resulting from audits, Higher Education Institutions, when a student graduates, should be able to obtain a certificate of qualifications and/or a supplement to the diploma, which contains all the course units that the student has passed in order to obtain the degree, with reference to whether it was by assessment or by credit. To do so, it is essential that, for students who are concluding their courses and have obtained in the past a credit in the global ECTS value, the CEAs allocate these ECTS to the courses of the study plan. The SAC registers these requests and a notification is sent to the CEA, which should proceed to register the assignment in the SIIUE, You can consult the Online Procedure Guide here.

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