A1.01.What graduate courses are on offer: Bachelor's Degree or Integrated Master's Degree?
Last Updated 8 months ago

The University of Évora is the second oldest in Portugal with a wide and comprehensive offer of higher education courses. Its own history, closely linked to the history of the city of Évora, combines the values of tradition and teaching excellence.

Evora, a UNESCO World Heritage city, is located in the heart of Alentejo and has a relaxed pace, where every corner is a place to discover, making it the right choice for students entering our University.

The University of Évora offers several Bachelor degrees (1st cycle) with 180 ECTS credits (6 semesters in length, except for Nursing with 8 semesters) which confer the degree of Licenciado, and two Integrated Masters: (Veterinary Medicine with 330 ECTS credits - 11 semesters and Architecture with 300 ECTS credits - 10 semesters), which in addition to conferring the degree of Licenciado upon completion of the first 3 curricular years (6 semesters), confer the degree of Master upon completion of the curricular units of the curricular component and approval in public examinations, in the defense of Dissertation, or Internship Report or Project Work.

You can consult the University of Évora Portal , the courses offered by each School of the University, as well as information about each of them (conditions of access, study plans, the number of vacancies, fees and other information).

The application is made on the internet https://siiue.uevora.pt/, within the deadlines stipulated in the Calendar of Applications for access and admission to the UÉ . Check at this desk the conditions for access and entry to Undergraduate Degrees and Integrated Masters.

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