F4.02. Who can benefit from special tuition schemes?
Last Updated 5 months ago

The Tuition Regulations of University of Évora defines the special regimes fees for students enrolled and registered in a study program and who meet the requirements and deliver the necessary documentation to enjoy one of the following regimes:

  • Former Combatants of Military Operations and Their Children
  • Teaching agents
  • Higher education UÉ career professors
  • Student non-teaching worker at UE
  • Student with cooperative professor status
  • Part-time student
  • Student under protocol with other institutions
  • Association course students
  • Student with tuition fees paid by another entity or institution
  • Scholarship candidates and scholarship holders paid directly to the UÉ
  • Scholarship candidates and scholarship holders paid directly to the student
  • Incoming (in) mobility students with scholarships from other institutions
  • Special regime for thesis presentation

For more information on the conditions and documentation required to apply for these schemes, consult the UEvora Webpage.

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