F2.02. What are the penalties in case you do not pay the tuition fee?
Last Updated 11 days ago

The regularization of debts must necessarily occur until June 30 of the academic year to which it reports, unless the student adheres to a phased tuition fee payment.

Failure to pay the tuition fees due in the academic year, in the amounts and within the established deadlines, implies:
  • Nullification of all the curricular acts practiced in the academic year of the default;
  • Suspension of enrollment and annual registration;
  • No-acceptance of any registration or any evaluation;
  • No access to the e-learning platform (Moodle) and to the student's academic record in SIIUE;
  • Non-issuance of any diploma or certificate of proficiency, or any other information document regarding the academic performance of the student, for the academic year of the default, namely certificate of qualifications or crediting terms;
  • The student’s files will not be sent to another institution in case the student is transferred or changes his/her program.

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