F1.01. Tuition Amount
Last Updated 9 months ago

In 2023/24, the tuition fee due per academic year in the 1st cycle and Integrated Masters is €697.00. In case of international students, the annual fee is €2500, unless the student with international student status has bolsa de mérito ou bolsa de cooperação e desenvolvimento.

Under the terms of the Tuition Regulations in force (available in the student's profile at SIIUE), the amount of the fee is due regardless of any ECTS crediting, as well as the number of curricular units in which the student is enrolled, up to the maximum of 84 ECTS credits/school year, except in the 1st year of admission in which, at most, the student of any cycle of studies can only enroll for 60 ECTS, being able to register up to 36 ECTS during the enrollment change period for the 2nd semester.

In case of non-degree courses, the student can only enroll up to the number of ECTS of the respective course in the period corresponding to the duration of the course.

It is up to students who register at the University of Évora to consult the value and terms of installments due in each academic year in the Integrated Information System of the University of Évora (see the Payment Values Guide).

In order to deliver the thesis/dissertation/project work/traineeship report in 2nd or 3rd cycles, the student must have paid at least the entire fee corresponding to:

a) three academic years, in case of 3rd cycle courses lasting 4 years
b) two academic years, in case of the 3rd cycle lasting 3 years
c) one academic year in case of 2nd cycle
d) one academic year in case of re-entry and verification of the above paragraphs

Subject to the above, after submission of the thesis/dissertation/project work/traineeship report and respective request for admission to tests, provided that it is instructed in the terms stipulated in the RAUÉ, the 2nd or 3rd cycle student is subject to payment:

a) installments for the 1st semester if submitted by March 31;

b) of all installments for the academic year, in case of submitted after March 31st and up to the deadline for submission/application for admission to tests defined annually for that academic year in the Calendário de Procedimentos Académicos, not being able to take advantage, at the same time, of special regimes that allow the reduction of fees.

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