C1.05. How to get a certified proof of enrollment and registration?
Last Updated 6 days ago

Until the enrolment procedures, the payment of the 1st instalment of fees and the availability of documents are completed, neither the letter of acceptance, nor the proof of enrolment or any certification document will be issued.

You can obtain online, through your student profile at SIIUE , a certified proof of enrollment and registration. To do this, you must access SIIUE with the usual authentication data, and in the main menu choose the option Documents »» Certified Proofs, followed by the Enrollment and Registration option.

The Certified Proof of Enrollment and Registration is digitally signed in accordance with the legal regime of electronic documents and digital signature, Decree-Law No. 290-D / 99, of 2 August and subsequent amendment. The document also has a validation code that allows any external entity to validate through SIIUE its validity.

Thus, this Proof will not be signed/stamped by the Academic Services as it already has the necessary elements to verify its validity and authenticity.

The Proof of Enrollment and Registration is free of charge and must be issued annually or in the case of making changes to enrollments/registration ( the previously issued proof being invalid), as a proof of:
  • Student status in the academic year
  • Study program attendance in a given academic year
  • List of Curricular Units in which the student is registered in a given academic year

This proof may be used for the purposes of:
  • Family allowance
  • ADSE
  • Visas
  • Bank loan applications
  • Application for Worker-Student status (to your employer)
  • etc.

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