S1.03. I don't remember how I should access SIIUE
Last Updated about a month ago
To access SIIUE (http://siiue.uevora.pt) you must use username xxx and your usual password. If you cannot access with this password, and if you have already configured your recovery email, you can automatically change it. To do so, on the SIIUE homepage, do not fill in the username and password, and just choose the option "I forgot my password!" (Then you will be asked to enter your username and you enter: xxx).
After that, will be sent an email to you (to the address you set for this purpose) with instructions to recover your password.
If you don't receive the email in question, please note that, for reasons beyond the scope of the University of Évora, some of the emails sent by SIIUE are often marked as Junk Mail by mail servers such as hotmail or gmail (or even others), so pay attention to your mailbox and check that you don't have any wrongly marked emails.
If you aren't able to access it, we inform that the recovery of the password to access SIIUE and other WEB services (moodle, e-mail, gesdoc, etc.) provided by the UÉ must be requested to the IT Services, through e-mail: apoio@si.uevora.pt.
If you have not been clarified, put your question here or contact the IT Services directly, through the email apoio@si.uevora.pt.
After that, will be sent an email to you (to the address you set for this purpose) with instructions to recover your password.
If you don't receive the email in question, please note that, for reasons beyond the scope of the University of Évora, some of the emails sent by SIIUE are often marked as Junk Mail by mail servers such as hotmail or gmail (or even others), so pay attention to your mailbox and check that you don't have any wrongly marked emails.
If you aren't able to access it, we inform that the recovery of the password to access SIIUE and other WEB services (moodle, e-mail, gesdoc, etc.) provided by the UÉ must be requested to the IT Services, through e-mail: apoio@si.uevora.pt.