B03.03. Which documents are needed and how can I register for Exams for Over 23 Years Old?
Last Updated 28 days ago
Applications for the Assessment Test for Over 23 Years Old are made through the Integrated Information System of the UÉ (SIIUE), within the deadlines defined in the Schedule of Applications in the UÉ.
Applications must be submitted online, in the appropriate form, being required prior registration.
Applications must be submitted online using the appropriate form. You will, however, first be required to register on the website.
Step 1: Register here .
Step 2: Fill in the application form here .
Candidates should start by registering for the Over 23 Years assessment tests.In the application form, you must attach the following documents in digital format:
Registration will only be considered delivered after payment of the respective fees, and the application will only be validated if submitted with all the required documentation.
After payment of the fees and validation of your registration, you will receive a notification informing you of this. If you have any document missing, it will be “Not Validated” and, within 24 hours, you must resubmit the application with the missing document.
The results, resulting from the ranking carried out in accordance with the Regulation of Applications for Access and Admission to the University of Évora, will be published on the University of Évora's web site and will be made available on SIIUE, in your candidate profile, where you must access with your credentials from application.
Students, after enrolling, must present the following documents:
Alternatively, during the same time, you can send copies of these documents as long as these copies are certified by competent authorities that ensure that the copies correspond to the originals presented to them.
Alternatively, you can also present them in person at the Academic Services, within 30 consecutive days after enrollment.
Note: The original documents sent by mail will be returned when the student shows up in person at the University of Évora to validate the identification (until October 31st).
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Applications must be submitted online, in the appropriate form, being required prior registration.
Applications must be submitted online using the appropriate form. You will, however, first be required to register on the website.
Step 1: Register here .
Step 2: Fill in the application form here .
Candidates should start by registering for the Over 23 Years assessment tests.In the application form, you must attach the following documents in digital format:
- Curriculum Vitae (Europass model);
- Documents proving the training and professional experience declared in the Currículo Vitae;
- Certificate of academic qualifications;
- Document proving date of birth;
- Supporting document in case of requesting exemption from taking a specific test under Article 32th of the Applications Regulation;
- Document proving exception to international student status in case you have nationality from a country outside the European Union but are covered by one of the cases in which this status does not apply;
Registration will only be considered delivered after payment of the respective fees, and the application will only be validated if submitted with all the required documentation.
After payment of the fees and validation of your registration, you will receive a notification informing you of this. If you have any document missing, it will be “Not Validated” and, within 24 hours, you must resubmit the application with the missing document.
The results, resulting from the ranking carried out in accordance with the Regulation of Applications for Access and Admission to the University of Évora, will be published on the University of Évora's web site and will be made available on SIIUE, in your candidate profile, where you must access with your credentials from application.
Students, after enrolling, must present the following documents:
- Documents proving academic qualifications, except if obtained in the UÉ:
- Prerequisites form for courses where this applies, must be delivered at the enrollment.
- Identification document: by October 31st.
- in case of documents relating to foreign qualifications obtained in Portugal or in another country from the European Union, you must present the originals documents that you entered scanned in your application, within a period of 30 consecutive days after enrollment.It should be noted that they must be exactly the same as those inserted in the application.
- in the case of documents relating to foreign qualifications obtained outside the European Union, you must send by mail the originals of the documents that you entered scanned in your application, within 3 consecutive days of receiving the placement notification.It should be noted that they must be exactly the same as those inserted in the application.
Alternatively, during the same time, you can send copies of these documents as long as these copies are certified by competent authorities that ensure that the copies correspond to the originals presented to them.
Alternatively, you can also present them in person at the Academic Services, within 30 consecutive days after enrollment.
Note: The original documents sent by mail will be returned when the student shows up in person at the University of Évora to validate the identification (until October 31st).