03. How do I schedule an in-person appointment?
Last Updated 3 months ago

In order to improve the quality of face-to-face service in the Academic Services and reduce waiting times, UÉ students can schedule in-person appointments for the Academic Services.

WHERE? Santo Agostinho Building, located at Rua Duques de Cadaval, in Évora (SACBuilding)



1. For UÉ Students - Book an appointment online at SIIUE (student profile/top of the right-hand menu).

2. For applicants placed on courses who have not yet enrolled, but have questions regarding enrolment, an appointment should be made for a face-to-face meeting for "Enrolment" using the credentials (login and password) used in the application registered in SIIUE or in the application submitted to DGES.

3. For candidates applying for recognition of foreign degrees: Book in advance at agendaratendimento@sac.uevora.pt .


Obtain a ticket at the entrance to the building for the service point you want, then wait in the corridor for the number of the ticket to be called (the ticket indicating the room/office to which you should go)

Note: People with an online appointment always have priority over people with a physical ticket without an appointment, based on n.2 Article 9 of Decree-Law no. 135/99 of 22 April, amended by Decree-Law no. 73/2014 of 13 May, which states: "2 - Without prejudice to the provisions of the previous paragraph or special legislation applicable, holders of summonses or users with prior appointments, made in particular by telephone or online, have priority in attendance at the public service to which they have been summoned or at which they have made the appointment.


Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9.30am to 4pm
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 9.30am to 1pm

Assistance in Academic Services can be provided within the scope of:

ENROLLMENTS and AUTHENTICATION OF DOCUMENTS (questions about registration and authentication of qualifications, identification or visa documents)

ACADEMIC PROCEDURES FOR UÉ STUDENTS (Questions related to Enrollment; credits; special attendance or tuition regimes; dissertation projects/internships/project or thesis works; requests for admission to public examinations for master's or doctoral degrees)

CERTIFICATION (questions related to requests and withdrawal of diplomas and certificates)

STUDENT SUPPORT (issues related to the integration of international or national students in the UÉ, psychological support, support for students with learning support needs (NEE's), other student support programs, volunteering, school insurance, etc.)

INCOMING MOBILITY (Academic mobility of students from other Educational Institutions)

OUTGOING MOBILITY (University of Évora students who wish to undertake an academic mobility in an another Educational Institution)

For face-to-face appointment on issues related to RECOGNITION OF FOREIGN DEGREES - service only with appointment request to be made by email through agendaratendimento@sac.uevora.pt

For face-to-face appointment on issues related to AGGREGATION TESTS - service only with appointment request to be made by email through provasgregacao@sac.uevora.pt

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