H5.02. Is it possible to perform mobility in an institution with which the University of Évora has no protocol?
Last Updated 7 months ago

Yes, it is possible provided that it is within the scope of a traineeship in the case of student mobility, or in the case of teaching or non-teaching staff mobility as long as it is within the scope of training.

The student who wants to be mobile as a trainee, or a teacher or non-teaching staff member who wants to be mobile for training (Training Mobility), in a Higher Education Institution, NGO or other entity of one of the eligible countries in the Programme with which the University of Évora has no protocol/agreement, may contact that entity in order to obtain a Declaration of Acceptance.

In the case of mobility for teaching / lecturing in a Higher Education Institution with which the University of Évora has no protocol/agreement, the teacher him/herself may contact that Institution in order to check if there is interest in the mobility and, consequently, in the celebration of a protocol/agreement.

image If you have not been clarified, send an email to: mobility@uevora.pt

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