N1.01. How to apply for admission to the Aggregation Tests?
Last Updated 11 days ago

The Candidate should deliver to the Academic Services of the University of Évora, the application for admission to the aggregation tests in one of the branches of knowledge or specialization in which the degree of Doctor may be conferred, and should be accompanied by the following scanned documentation, in accordance with article 8 of Decree-Law no. 239/2007:

  • A copy of:
    • Resume. in accordance with paragraph a) of article 5;
    • Report. in accordance with paragraph b) of Article 5;
    • A detailed summary of the seminar or lesson, in accordance with paragraph c) of Article 5;
  • At least two copies of the works mentioned in the curriculum considered by the candidate as most relevant. According to article 11, item 10, the jury may request the presentation of other works mentioned in the curriculum.

  • In case the candidate is not a teacher at the University of Évora, besides the payment of the fees in force at the date of the application, it will be necessary to deliver the documents that prove the exposition in sub-paragraphs a) of number 1 and 2 of article 7, namely: copy of the doctoral degree diploma; Declaration of the Higher Education Institution where the candidate is a teacher and proves that he/she is a full professor, associate or auxiliary professor in the university teaching career or principal investigator-coordinator I or auxiliary in the scientific research career.

The application and the documentation mentioned above, should be sent to provasgregacao@sac.uevora.pt, and you may only attach a maximum of 5 files, and each one may not exceed 2MB, limited to the types: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .jpeg, .jpg, .JPEG, .png, .PNG.

If successfully submitted, you will receive an email with confirmation of receipt and a ticket number, and based on this number you can check the status of the application submitted

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