L1.04. Is it possible to apply for more than one recognition application for the same academic degree?
Last Updated 3 years ago
Yes, but each form of recognition may be required only once for the same academic degree or foreign higher education diploma.
Holders of academic degrees or diplomas that cannot be automatically recognized, may apply for level and specific recognition for the same academic degree or diploma. This academic degree or diploma may be the subject of both recognitions.
Applicants who are refused level recognition may submit a specific recognition application for the same academic degree or diploma at the same or at another Portuguese higher education institution.
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Holders of academic degrees or diplomas that cannot be automatically recognized, may apply for level and specific recognition for the same academic degree or diploma. This academic degree or diploma may be the subject of both recognitions.
Applicants who are refused level recognition may submit a specific recognition application for the same academic degree or diploma at the same or at another Portuguese higher education institution.