S1.02. I'm a student, how do I access SIIUE, Gesdoc, Moodle, email, etc.?
Last Updated about a month ago

The various UÉ web services (SIIUE, Moodle, Correio Eletrónico, Rede sem fios, GesDOC, among others) use the same access data (username and password).

Upon registration, is assigned to each student a username and an initial password. For example, for undergraduate students, access is via login: lxxxxx, where xxxxx is the student number. The password assigned is, by default, the civil identification number (Citizen Card, Identity Card, Passport, or other), which must be changed, obligatorily, on the first access, since, for security reasonshas expired and only after its modification will you be able to use your access data.

Note that whenever you need to change the password you will have to do it in SIIUE, and when you do this change will have implications for all other services.

image If you have not been clarified, put your question here or contact the IT Services directly, through the email apoio@si.uevora.pt.

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